Já já algumas fotos

Esqueci de ligar pra assistência técnica da câmera e de pegar a do meu namorado. Meu celular está surtando mas a câmera dele resolveu funcionar. Então daqui a pouco postarei algumas fotos novas.

I forgot to call the people who is fixing my camera and to borrow my bf's camera. My cellphone is kinda crazy, but it's camera decided to work, so I'll post here a few new photos in a while.

Inventei de instalar um MMO no notebook, Lineage II. Pra quê? Foram dois dias loucos! Antes de ontem, quando instalei o jogo, deu problema, reinstalamos o driver de vídeo, o notebook enlouqueceu e ficou horrivelmente lento, achei que ia precisar formatá-lo. Mas no dia seguinte - ontem - ele ligou normal, nem parecia que tinha me feito perder o cabelo no dia anterior. Tentei abrir o jogo, não rolou, descobri em fóruns da vida que precisava instalar o driver do chipset.

I think I'm crazy for doing this, but I installed Lineage II in my laptop. For what? It has been a couple of crazy days! Sunday, when I installed it, it said my agp (whatever that is) was innactive, so we (me and my friends and boyfriend) reinstaled the video driver. My problems got worse, since the laptop got very slow. I thought I would need to uninstall everything in the computer and reinstall, including Windows. I decided to wait until the next day. Yesterday it was working perfectly and I found out all I needed to do was to instal the chipset driver.

Aí adivinha? O jogo rodou lindo e fiquei nele das 23h às 2h da manhã. E acordei supertarde hoje. Deveria ter acordado cedo para terminar um origami de aniversário, mas farei isso agora. Ontem de tarde não deu pra adiantar o serviço. No início da tarde tive uma seleção de estágio (não fui selecionada, infelizmente) e no final, outro aniversário. E já já venho com as imagens.

The computer worked fine, the game worked fine and I stoop up playing from 11pm to 2 am. I woke up so late today! I was going to finish an origami for a friend in the morning, but I'll have to do it now. Yesterday I couldn't do anything in the afternoon. I had an interview for a apprenticeship (to be a trainee, I don't now exactly how it is in English), they picked someone else, but it's ok and then I went to a birhtday. I'll be here with some origami imagens in a moment. =)